Wednesday, November 18, 2009


If you are in the Melbourne Area:

First rule of gra-FIGHT CLUB, you do not stop drawing. second rule of gra-FIGHT CLUB, you DO NOT STOP DRAWING! and if this is your first time at gra-FIGHT CLUB, you have to draw.

This sunday, 11am, 22nd of Nov, meet at the corner of Bourke and Elizabeth st on the steps right next to the large Marble Purse and tram stop.

If It's raining we'll meet in Melb Central next to the Shot Tower under the clock.

My phone number is 0408 409 909. sms me.

Looking forward to seeing y'all!


Carl Knox said...

this is going to be a weekly event, so if you can't make it this week come along the next! :P

Ken said...

Still running in December?

Carl Knox said...

of course! Looking forward to seeing you again Ken. :P

Anonymous said...

can we see what you guys have drawn?

Carl Knox said...

Join us and see the sketchbooks in person! :P

Some of the works here are polished pieces of the sketches I do on sundays.

Anonymous said...

An elegant collection of arts. I might say check for the "Melbourne Illustrators"
site also. It also has an awesome collection of arts.