This one was just a blast to do. They are such a beautiful couple and they both had great smiles when they saw this one all framed up on their wedding day. Click on the images for larger resolution.

Sorry guys, not much of a WIP on this one.
Got caught up having too much fun.
Daaaamn... nice work Carl.
Really nice piece Carl!!!
hey carl
thanks for checkin out that last gig! Hey, how did you make this multi image post through the stages? Is there a how to online you can send me to?
your work is getting better and better too...
I can dig it!!!
Hey Carl!
Awesome piece dude, i'm sure they loved it! :)
This is brilliant! I'm sure they thought it was such an incredible gift!
Loving the sketches below!
Love it Carl, your really good with pushing those values. Everything you made on this Blog looks really solid to me.
dude, it looks great! I think you really nailed it. Awesome piece :)
Fantastic painting Carl !
This is absolutely wonderful!!
Very nice gift!
Really top work Carl - I wish I could convince clients to have this instead of the full bodies and paraphernalia.
Classy piece !!
awesome blog man
That's is fantastic-- they should be very happy with the results!
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