Saturday, June 20, 2009

silhouettes from imagination

Yesterdays scribblings for fun!


Luke Watson said...

this stuff is fantastic, so much variation.

Anthony Pascoe said...

Awesome scribbles Carl !

Francisco Martins said...

Christ! how the hell can you gather so much great stuff in one piece at the time??? These are like...PERFECT! Every single character is awesome!
Damn your good!

Martin Brennand said...

Nice stuff dude. Where's your 100 gesturals? :)

Seriously, you are leveling-up so fast it's scary.

Ben Zen said...

These are looking great. They look like inhabitants of some sort of magical forest hehe, keep it up :)

Ben Zen said...

Hey Carl, thanks for your comment :), Yeah we'll have to put a Saturday aside sometime and go sketching, but don't worry, I've been busy too! I went to Dali at the NGV yesterday, you should go check it out also.

Pito said...

Great Blog!!!!

Nice works.


Pupi said...

Nice silhouettes. You can read the character perfectly :)

Dominic Philibert said...

Awesome man!!!!!!!

Damion009 said...

i love this blog man!!! awesome!!!